Fuse Nak-Nak with a lot of units to get the strongest hero in this game. Fuse Frenzied T-Rex or Gargantuan Blob, then revive it with Pyrasol Infinitum to deploy it in your opponent's buildrange. A fast combo reanimator deck to annoy your friends.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DeckList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Card Serial="169" Name="Pyrasol Infinitum" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="167" Name="Scout The Desert" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="163" Name="Pyramidal Power" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="162" Name="Light Quarry" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="152" Name="Requickened Soul" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="153" Name="Frenzied T-Rex" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="150" Name="Revitalized Body" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="145" Name="Symbiotic Sandworm" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="144" Name="Annoying Ankylosaurus" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="143" Name="Spitting Snake" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="142" Name="Cranky Crocodile" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="141" Name="Armored Armadillo" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="140" Name="Calm Camel" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="124" Name="Combust" Count="4" />
<Card Serial="102" Name="Gargantuan Blob" Count="4" />
<CardList />